10 October

Three ways to handle intrusive questions

Three ways to handle intrusive questions

  I expect we’ve all been there: you’re chatting to a colleague at lunch or a fellow participant at a conference when suddenly they come out with a question that you find much too personal. Perhaps How much do you earn? or When are you going to start a family? or Why aren’t you drinking tonight? Your first […]

7 October

When colleagues want more information than you can give

When colleagues want more information than you can give

  Are you sometimes asked at work for information you’re not in a position to provide (yet)? It can be a tricky situation. On the one hand, you don’t want to come across as uncooperative or overly secretive. On the other hand, if you don’t make it very clear that the matter really isn’t up […]

3 April

Ending small talk politely

Posted in staying on track
Ending small talk politely

    In the past I’ve encouraged you to take an active role in small talk and given some ideas for what to talk about. Whenever you engage in small talk there does, of course, come a moment when it has to end. If you start a phone call or meeting with a little small […]