Collecting results of group and pair work

One of the things I enjoy most in a seminar is seeing the outcome of the group or pair work phase. And, of course, the participants are also eager to hear what the others have come up with. So there’s generally a sense of anticipation in the room – but there’s nervousness there, too. […]
Getting the most out of pair and group work

“Now we’re going to split into groups!”– words that aren’t always greeted with enthusiastic cheers. Not everyone relishes the chance to work with just one or two other participants. And in an international group there can be all sorts of reservations. Perhaps someone comes from a culture where you, the trainer, are seen as […]
Clarity from the very beginning

I guess we’re all familiar with the expectant, slightly tense atmosphere at the beginning of a workshop or seminar. The participants are often unsure what exactly awaits them during the day(s) ahead. Perhaps they’re forming their first impressions of you as a trainer. If they don’t know each other yet, they may be wondering […]