Getting tough – without getting nasty

– Every month, colleagues at your company’s other locations send you their headcount figures, so that you can compile a report for the whole of Europe. One particular colleague never sends her figures on the agreed date, you always have to send her a reminder. – A colleague discovered some information which you’re […]
Collecting results of group and pair work

One of the things I enjoy most in a seminar is seeing the outcome of the group or pair work phase. And, of course, the participants are also eager to hear what the others have come up with. So there’s generally a sense of anticipation in the room – but there’s nervousness there, too. […]
Negative feedback – different strokes for different folks*
Have you ever given a colleague from another country some critical feedback and then been surprised by their reaction to it? Perhaps they even asked you for your opinion and then seemed taken aback by what you had to say. The reason could be the style in which you gave your negative feedback. One size […]