Feelings of a non-native speaker

One of my most embarrassing moments came when I’d been in Germany for a year or so. In the middle of a disagreement, a friend of a friend mentioned something annoying I’d done a couple of weeks previously – ancient history for a twenty-year-old. So to show that I found it hard to understand […]
Lessons to learn from marathon runners

I’ve never run a marathon and I think it’s safe to say I never will. But over the years I’ve had lots of interesting conversations with people who do and who described their training for it. What impressed me was the structured approach they were taking, their staying power and their enthusiasm, not just […]
How’s your English coming along?

When you’re working on improving your English, assessing your progress from time to time is important to help you stay motivated and on track. But how exactly do you go about it? There are plenty of tests online (and they can be fun), but the results don’t reveal much about how well you can actually say […]