10 September

Aargh! What have I done?

Aargh! What have I done?

There’s nothing like pressing the send button to immediately reveal a mistake in your email. One that you’re sure wasn’t there a minute ago. Suddenly you notice that you’ve sent 20 colleagues a tasty-sounding pasta recipe (or worse 🙂 ) instead of the monthly sales figures. Or autocorrect has changed the name of an important […]

8 January

How about doing a business English exam?

Posted in getting ahead
How about doing a business English exam?

I can imagine that’s not the most popular suggestion I’ve ever made. 😉 Taking exams is a bit like going to the dentist: you can’t get through life without ever doing it, but at the same time you’d probably like to keep it to the absolute minimum.  Over thirty years later, I still dream that […]

3 April

Ending small talk politely

Posted in staying on track
Ending small talk politely

    In the past I’ve encouraged you to take an active role in small talk and given some ideas for what to talk about. Whenever you engage in small talk there does, of course, come a moment when it has to end. If you start a phone call or meeting with a little small […]