3 February

Introducing yourself by email

Introducing yourself by email

Introducing yourself to the rest of the team is one of the first things to do in a new job. Simple enough if your new colleagues are on the same corridor. But what if they’re spread all over the world? If you’re not likely to meet them in person until much later, why not introduce […]

3 October

Asking questions to make sure you’ve understood

Imagine you’re listening to a colleague in a meeting. Gradually you realize that she’s beginning to lose you. You don’t understand exactly what she means, perhaps because you’re struggling with the vocabulary. Or you may have the impression that other members of the group are confused by a word she uses. Or maybe you feel that […]

23 August

Giving effective negative feedback

Giving a colleague or team member negative feedback can be a pretty nerve-wracking task – even if you were asked for your opinion. You need to decide on the best approach to take and find the right words to describe specific examples and possible impacts clearly and concisely. The situation becomes even more demanding if your feedback meets with resistance, misunderstanding […]