23 August

Giving effective negative feedback

Giving a colleague or team member negative feedback can be a pretty nerve-wracking task – even if you were asked for your opinion. You need to decide on the best approach to take and find the right words to describe specific examples and possible impacts clearly and concisely. The situation becomes even more demanding if your feedback meets with resistance, misunderstanding […]

13 June

Five types who derail meetings – and what to say to them

Posted in staying on track

Are meetings always a waste of time? Of course not. And definitely not if you deal with disruptions and unhelpful behaviour calmly, firmly and constructively early on. In the following I look at five types whose behaviour can prevent a meeting being successful. Then I suggest what you can say to deal with them and […]

2 June

Getting things done – on time

When agreeing deadlines, absolute clarity is essential: at the end of the meeting everyone needs to know exactly what they need to do by when. Arriving at deadlines which are acceptable for the individual team members often entails a process of negotiation. And that’s where this post comes in. It looks at some of the […]